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2023/2024 Meetings

The AEG Southern Nevada Chapter holds dinner meetings eight times per year.  Meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of the month at the Embassy Suites Las Vegas located at 4315 University Center Drive (Near UNLV between Harmon Avenue and Flamingo Road) in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Each meeting features a presentation regarding a pertinent geological, environmental, or other relevant science-based issue.

Check-in and Socialize 6:00 to 6:30 pm

Dinner: 6:30 pm

Presentation: 7:15 to 8:00 pm


Members:  $35.00

Non-members:  $40.00

Students: $17.00 (Do not Pay in Advance)

Student Non-members: $20.00 (Do not Pay in Advance)

Walk-ins: $45.00

Vegetarian options are available.  Just let us know when you


Payment for attending required at the time of registration.

NDEP - Certified Environmental Manager (CEM) Professional Development Hours (PDHs)

Attendance of a meeting will qualify for one NDEP-CEM-PDH.  There is no limit on the amount of PDHs that can be obtained by attending monthly meetings.  Become an active member of the AEG Southern Nevada Chapter and an additional four PDHs can be obtained annually.  Attending the AEG Southern Nevada Chapter meetings is a great way to network while obtaining the required PDHs necessary to maintain your CEM license.

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Tuesday - May 14, 2024

 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. PDT

"Can We Mine Our Way to a Cooler Planet"

By: Dr. Jerry King, Geophysicist    



The global economy must be decarbonized to limit global warming and climate change.  This will require the construction of a new, carbon-neutral global economy. There is no agreed-upon plan for accomplishing this, but there are many decarbonization scenarios based on a shared conceptual understanding of the elements of a carbon-neutral global energy and industrial infrastructure.  This new infrastructure produces electric power from renewable and other carbon-neutral energy sources.  Some of the electric power runs electrolysers to produce hydrogen gas for use as a substitute for fossil fuels and for the current industrial uses of hydrogen. 


Constructing a carbon-neutral economy will be mineral-resource intensive and require large increases in the mining of certain critical minerals.  Manufacturing lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles (EVs) and grid-electric storage will require large increases in the mining of lithium, cobalt, nickel, manganese, and graphite.  The electric motors for EVs and the generators in wind turbines will require large increases in the mining and processing of rare-earth metals.  Solar panels will require large increases in the supply of gallium.  Hydrogen electrolysers will increase the demand for catalysts such as platinum and iridium.  Many elements of the new infrastructure will increase the demand for copper. 


This talk will summarize the global supply-chain issues for the key critical minerals and will detail the history of rare-earth mining and processing at Mountain Pass, California, and the status of lithium mining in Nevada.


Jerry spent his career as a seismologist working on safety assessments for nuclear power plants and nuclear waste disposal facilities.  The latter brought him to Las Vegas in 1986 to work on the proposed Yucca Mountain high-level nuclear waste repository.


After retiring, Jerry became interested in the contentious topics of global warming and climate change, not knowing what to think about either.  Several thousand hours of study later, he has concluded that anthropogenic climate change is real and poses a significant threat to future human generations and to many other species. 

Jerry now lectures on climate change as a volunteer with Citizens’ Climate Lobby.  He remains active professionally as the chair of the Southern Nevada Chapter of the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists.


He holds a BA in physics (1973) from the University of California at San Diego and a PhD in earth science (1981) from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. 

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October 10, 2023
“State of Geoscience in Nevada – Mining, Lithium Extraction, Geothermal, Seismicity, etc.” and “Memorial to Professor Gene Smith” by Dr, James Faulds, State Geologist, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Reno, Nevada.
November 14, 2023
“Lake Mead Water Quality During a Historic Drought: Data and Modeling Results” by Todd Tietjen, Southern Nevada Water Authority, Las Vegas, Nevada.
January 16, 2024
“Hydrogeology of the Lower Meadow Wash, Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada” by Dr. Randall Paylor, United States Geological Survey, Las Vegas, Nevada.
February 13, 2024
Jahns Lecture: “Regulatory Requirements for Hazardous Waste Management Units, and How These Requirements are Applied to a Case Study in West Texas” By Cynthia Palomares, P.G., P.E., Project Manager, Industrial and Hazardous Waste Permits Section, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (Ret), 2023-2024 AEG Jahns Lecturer.
March 5, 2024
“A Novel Approach for the Remediation, Reclamation, and Development of the Three Kids Mine Site for Residential Reuse” by Kirk Stowers, Broadbent and Associates, Inc., Henderson, Nevada.
April 9, 2024
“The Las Vegas 50-Year Water Plan” by Andrew Burns, Southern Nevada Water Authority, Las Vegas, Nevada.
May 14, 2024
“Can We Mine Our Way to a Cooler Planet?” by Dr. Jerry King, Geophysicist, Las Vegas, Nevada.

May 25, 2024

Annual Field Trip: To be determined.

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